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Avraham Sacks asks:

In Hillel's answer to Bar Hei Hei's question - The comparison of "one who does not serve Him", I am not clear how the comparison answers Bar Hei Hei's question to Hillel because "one who does not serve Him" should seemingly not get paid anything, yet a donkey driver who drives 10 Parsa'os gets paid a Zuz

Avraham Sacks, Ramat Beit Shemesh

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara says that "Eino Ovdo" -- "one who does not serve Him" -- refers to a Tzadik Gamur but who learned "only" 100 times. He certainly deserves reward, but without comparison to the one who learned 101 times. For that extra one time that he learned, he does not receive just one "portion" more of reward, but rather he is an entirely different class, as he gains far more and deserves far more reward.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner