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7. Divrei Shalom v'Emes 8. Shirah Arech Al Gabei Leveinah or Al Gabei Arech 9. Mordechai and Politics
10. הורידו את מרדכי מגדלתו

Yaacov Levy asks:


When the gemara says that the chachamim were removed from mordechai because he entered politics.... does any one relate that to pirke avot of " not to be close to politicians?" Al tisvaday leishus

yaacov Levy, United States

The Kollel replies:

Rashi on Megilas Esther (10:3) says that Mordechai was busy with government issues and had less time to learn Torah and therefore had less of a following as a Torah leader. But, Chas v'Shalom, Mordechai was in no way "Reshus" of Nochrim with all of its negative influences; he was in no way a "politician."

All the best,

Reuven Weiner