More Discussions for this daf
1. Miriam the Prophetess 2. List of Prophets 3. Miriam
4. 55 Prophets in Point by Point Outline 5. Rashi's List of the Nevi'im 6. Miriam's Nevu'ah
7. Darius 8. When did Rachav Convert? 9. The Chasam Sofer's element of d'Oraisa in Mikra Megilah
10. Nevi'im 11. Yirmiyah and the 12 tribes 12. Hallel on Purim
13. Avigayil 14. 48 Neviim 15. Nerya as a Navi
16. Leah as a Navi 17. ורוח לבשה את עמשי 18. אביגיל

Boruch Kahan asked:

The Gemoro lists 48 Neviim and Rashi lists them all .He starts with Avrohom and the Gra discusses whether we should start from there at all.Ober Lefi Rashi in this week's Sedra Parshas Noach on Perek Yud Possuk Kaf Hey Rashi clearly states that Ever was a Novi since he called his son AL MA SHE OSID LOVO so why does Rashi's list start from Avrohom in Megilah Yud Daled Lefi Rashi al HaTorah it should start from Ever

Boruch Kahan, London

The Kollel replies:

Was the wife of Potifar then a Navi as well, according to Rashi Bereishis 39:1?

Not every guess at the future comes through Nevu'ah! Besides, we are only counting Nevi'im who gave messages to others which is why No'ach etc. aren't counted.

Be well,

Mordecai Kornfeld