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1. Mordechai's advice about revealing Esther's roots 2. Marrying a Former Zonah and other Questions 3. Esther's Accusation Against Achashverosh
4. Stam Yeinam Atu Yayin Nesech 5. Esther seeing Mordechai 6. 7 Adar Moshe Meis
7. Bisyah 8. Geirus of Bisyah Bas Par'oh

Anonymous asked:

on a related subject

what was esther thinking when she attempted to accuse Achasvarosh as the one resposible for the destruction c"v of klal yisroel

The Kollel replies:

See the VILNA GA'ON's commentary on the Megilah on that verse. He writes that Esther, whenever she spoke to the king, concentrated on Hash-m. Here, when telling the king about the threat that the Jewish people faced, she slipped into a conversation with Hash-m, and thus she was pointing a finger, so to speak, at Hash-m for bringing this threat upon the Jewish people. She was not accusing Achashverosh.
