More Discussions for this daf
1. Laws of Yerushalayim 2. Kedushah of a Shul 3. Wrapping a Mes Mitzvah with a Sefer Torah
4. Removing Kedushah from a Shul 5. Contradiction in Rashi 6. Permissibility of transferring ownership of a Shul
7. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh 8. The number of Aliyos on a Ta'anis 9. Tashmishim
10. Tefilin straps 11. Tashmishei Kedushah/Mitzvah 12. The division of Yerushalayim
13. Binyamin 14. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh

Moshe Shulman asked:

Your Iyun quotes a Torah Temimah that says that the Mishkan in all three places was in Shevet binyomin. But I was under the impression that Shiloh is in Har Efraim, in Nachalat Efraim. Can you clarify?

Thank you.

Moshe Shulman, Toronto

The Kollel replies:

Dear Moshe,

Hello there and thanks for your question. Your impression is correct as is stated in Tehillim 78:60-67. This question is raised in Zevachim 118b, which is the source of the Torah Temimah you mentioned. The Gemara answers that there was a strip from Binyamin that extended into Efrayim's territory till Shiloh.

Kol tuv.

Y. Landy