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10. מהני מילי מעלייתא דהוה עביד רב הונא

Q. Reese asked:

Question for Rav Kornfeld: In your beautiful explanation of the conduct of Rebbi Elazar, you mention that Rebbi Elazar "insulted" the person who greeted him, because initiating a greeting to a Rav is disrespectful.

Why, then, did Rebbi Elazar's own Talmidim proclaim "Shalom Alechem Rebbi Rebbi, Mori Mori" when he arrived in the town, before their Rebbi greeted them? It is clear that he did not clear them first, because the insulted person who was present asked them whom they were talking to, and if he would have greeted them first there would have been no question whom they were talking to.

Thank you.

Q. Reese,

The Kollel replies:

I think that a student has a different relationship than a stranger. The student's greeting was a continuation of on ongoing relationship initiated (and endorsed by the teacher) much earlier. A stranger must first receive "endorsement".

Be well,

Mordecai Kornfeld