More Discussions for this daf
1. Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi 2. No s'char for learning? 3. Rewards for doing some things
4. Rav Huna 5. Tefilah at Home 6. Is Shechinah Benehem when Learning Over the Telephone or Skype
7. The Shechinah Is With 8. The Shechinah is with Them 9. Me'ayen ba'Sefer; Mazikin; Hash-m's Tefilin
10. Ethical Drashos 11. ha'Hu Gavra 12. The Shechinah in court; 4 Amos of Halachah
13. THE KRIM SEABIRD WITH MULTICOLORS 14. Shechinah/Minyan 15. Panai Yelechu
16. Reward for Torah Learning 17. מצוה לרוץ לבית הכנסת

Dovid asked:

On one daf we said That we must learn Shechinah is present for 10 men, and not learn it from a kal vachomer from 3 men because for 10 men- shechinah comes before they get there, for 3 men, it comes when they get there, on the following blatt, it says everytime the shichina arrives and the shechinah is not present Hash-m is angered...But Hash-m precedes the minyan so it turns out Hes alwasy going ot be angrey?

Dovid, Brooklyn, NY

The Kollel replies:

You are asking an excellent question, Dovid.

The Kollel already addressed this issue in our Insights to the Daf for Daf 6b (go to ) . The Insights to the Daf on Berachos are now available from the Kollel, or at your local bookstore, in a handsome hardcover volume which I am sure you will find to be well worth the $15.95 investment. (When ordered through the Kollel, a shipping charge of $6.50 must be added.)

I include below a copy of the pertinent Insight for your benefit.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld


Berachos Daf 6b


QUESTION: The Gemara says that when Hash-m comes to a synagogue and He does not find ten men, He immediately becomes angry.

The Gemara earlier (6a) states that the Shechinah precedes ten who come to pray together (that is, the Shechinah arrives at the synagogue before the ten men arrive). Accordingly, Hash-m should always come to the synagogue before ten men arrive! Why should He find ten men already there?


(a) The RASHBA (Teshuvos ha'Rashba 1:50) explains that when the Gemara (6a) says that the Shechinah comes before the ten men arrive, it means that it comes together with them and is there even before they seat themselves. (The Rashba demonstrates that the word that the Gemara uses, "Kadmah" ("precedes"), also means "comes together with.")

(b) RAV SHLOMO ALGAZI (Ahavas Olam) writes that Hash-m does not become angry when He arrives and does not find ten men there. Only later, when ten men do not show up, does He become angry. ("He does not find" means "He does not later find.")

(c) The ATERES ROSH explains that there is a difference between the "Shechinah" and "the Holy One, blessed is He." The Gemara earlier (6a) is referring to the "Shechinah" that precedes the ten men. Here, it is Hash-m Himself, as it were, Who expects to find ten men already gathered.

(d) The VILNA GA'ON and the SIFSEI CHACHAMIM read the Gemara differently. Instead of reading the Gemara, "When Hash-m comes to a synagogue and He does not find ten men, He immediately becomes angry," the Gemara should be read, "When Hash-m comes to a synagogue and He does not find ten men immediately, He becomes angry." If, however, ten men come right away, then He does not become angry.

(e) RASHI in Megilah (3b, DH Asarah Batlanim) says that there always used to be ten men learning in the synagogue from morning to night so that Hash-m would not find the synagogue empty. Consequently, Hash-m does not precede their arrival since they did not come to pray together, but to learn together. (M. Kornfeld; see, however, Rashi to Megilah 5a, DH Asarah, who mentions that the ten men pray together.)