More Discussions for this daf
1. Souls etc. 2. Saying a Berachah on harmful things 3. rachmana
4. Mushrooms 5. Brit of Salt 6. Bring The Salt
7. Dipping bread into salt 8. Nusach of Berachos 9. נימא רב הונא דאמר כר' יוסי

Yitzchok Gesser asked:

The Mishna here states that on a food that is a Min K'lala, for example, it can cause Hefsid to the crops, you would not make a Brocha, for example, kosher grasshoppers.

But since this is indeed edible, wouldn't this be outweighed by the consideration that eating without the Brocha is like stealing from Hash-m?

The Kollel replies:

Rebbi Yehudah holds that we do not mention the concept of "Berachah" on anything that brings damage or corruption. If we were to recite a Berachah on such a thing, it would appear as if we were disparaging and ridiculing (for Hash-m brought those things into the world primarily to bring punishment, and not for us to obtain pleasure from). Accordingly, it would not be considered Gezeilah from Hash-m not to recite a Berachah, since it is only Gezeilah when there is a Chiyuv to recite a Berachah and one does not recite it, but not where there is no Chiyuv to recite a Berachah at all.

M. Kornfeld