More Discussions for this daf
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4. Time to say one verse before Shura 5. Kavod ha'Beriyos 6. Mes Mitzvah vs. Eglah Arufah
7. Shema at Funerals; Objection to Nusach of a Tefilah 8. Use Of Coffins 9. Bris Milah and Meis Mitzvah
10. Lav d'Rabanan

Avraham Halpern asks:

If a woman realizes that she is wearing shatnez in public, should she take it off or is it Lifnei Iver? Also, if a man sees a woman wearing shatnez in public bmaizid is it the same halacha?

Avraham Halpern, Queens, NY

The Kollel replies:

Ain Chochma v'Ein Svuna V'Ain Eitso Lnegd Hash-m, just like anyone else she must remove the Shaatnez immediately. Of course, if it can be done without delaying the removal of the Shaatnez, she should stand with her back to a wall and cover herself with the forbidden garment held in the air or see to it that she is surrounded by nearby women until someone brings her a proper garment. There is no "Lifnei Iver" because she is not encouraging any men to look at her and she is an Oines in her need to remove the garment.

Your second question is more complex and a bit unclear. Do you mean to ask if the man should remove her clothes? If she is a Mazid she most likely would not let him, and trying to do so in public would be a proper Chilul Hash-m. One must use vast "Shikul HaDaas" in such circumstances.

Shimon Brodie