More Discussions for this daf
1. Ariri 2. She is a To'evah, but not her Tzarah 3. Yevamos 055: Initial Stage
4. Error in Points 5. Dispute between Chachamim 6. Shifchah Charufah
7. כתב רחמנא שכבת זרע גבי שפחת חרופה 8. אשת אח מן האם לאחר מיתת בעלה רשות

Barry Epstein asked:

Which is the halachah for which the penalty is kares in forbidden unions? Which way do we rule?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

The REMA (in Even ha'Ezer 20:1) rules that the death penalty, or the Kares penalty, applies only at the point of "Hachnasas ha'Atarah," actual entry.