A good kvitel. How do we understand the claim of Rashi that "chavut" referred to waving the aravos according to the Bavli when it specifically says they were banged on the ground, and the word na'nua is not used?
Furthermore, how is this reconciled with the description of R. Yochanan ben Baroka in the Yerushalmi in Sukkah 4:6 that they took palm fronds, not aravos?
In either case it is clear that the halacha or minhag neviim was relevant to the Temple, but what we do since then is merely a zecher, and is not even derabannan. Thanks.
David Goldman, USA
Sholom Rav,
Rashi translates the word 'Chibut' as shaking. See Korban Nesanel on the Rosh (Si'man 1, note 7), who discusses the issue. Interestingly. A number of Rishonim (including the Rosh) quote Rashi, and the Rema Paskens that One should both shake the Aravos and bang them. As for your Kashya from the Gemara, which mentions banging Them on the ground, I suggest that Rashi did not have the word 'be'Karka' in his text.
I'm afraid I don't understand your problem with the Yerushalmi (The Bavli too, cites that opinion on 44b). And, yes, the Gemara concludes that taking the Aravah nowadays is merely a Minhag Nevi'im, for which reason we do not recite a B'rachah over it.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler