More Discussions for this daf
1. Bull's Intent 2. How does a Shor become a Muad for killing? 3. Rebbi Avahu
4. Can a Ben Peku'ah be tried in Beis Din as a Shor ha'Niskal 5. Whereas if a Tam is slain, how is a Muad found? 6. הערה ברש"י
7. הערה ברש"י בקשר לנחמיה העמסוני 8. הערה ברש"י בקשר לסקול יסקל

S. Landa asked:

I dont understand why the gmara is asking how can a shor ever become a muad (if even a tam must be killed).Isnt any ox that gores three times, even without killing, considered muad so that on the fourth it is killed and kofer is paid? Must it kill 3 times?

S. Landa, N.J. USA

The Kollel replies:

Killing and damaging are considered two separate types of damage, since it is considered more difficult for an ox to kill than to damage. Therefore, although a Shor who gored three times and did not kill will pay Nazek Shalem for damages , it will still be considered a Tam with regard to killing.

D. Zupnik