his stone, knife, burden in reshut harabim tldoh of BOR. BUT isn't this just GROMO and should be potur?
chaim kahan, london england
The idea is that the Gemara top 3b states that Bor is one's Mamon. Therefore there is no Ptur of Grama because Grama is only a Ptur when a person damages while a person's property damaging is always Grama but nevertheless this is the way the Torah made one liable for the damage one's property does. Even according to Tosfos 3b DH u'Mamonecha that Bor is not one's Mamon, nevertheless the Torah put it into one's possession (see Gemara below 29b). Nimukei Yosef 1a (4 lines up from the end of the thin lines) writes that Bor is considered one's own Mamon, and see also Rashba end of 2a.
Dovid Bloom