i have been told that there is a wine recipe in the talmud could you tell me where it is
thank you
avi klein, las vegas usa
Here are some instructions I found in the Talmud.
1) Fermentation for less than 40 days is not sufficient to produce wine (Source: Berachos27a).
2) Water can be poured on dregs three times. The first produces very strong wine, the third very weak wine (Bava Basra 97a).
3) Pure, strong wine should be mixed with water before drinking, with the ratio of 1 part wine to 2 parts water. Some diluted it with 3 parts water (Shabbos 77a).
4) Check the fermenting barrels three times during the winter to see if they are turning sour; by the east wind after the Sukot holiday etc. (Gitin 31a).
I hope this helps!
M. Kornfeld