Why does the Gemara discuss who the Halacha goes according to (the Rabannan or Rabbi Yehuda) when we have a rule of "yachid v'rabim - halacha k'rabim"?
Joe schwarz, New York, NY USA
Since Rebbi Yehudah gives an earlier ending time for each of the three Tefilos, and the Rabanan give later times, there is room to say that Rebbi Yehudah and the Rabanan are following their respective reasonings with regard to all times; that is, Rebbi Yehudah gives an earlier time for all matters, and the Rabanan give a later time for all matters, and that each time is dependant on the other. Therefore, since we have already ruled in accordance with Rebbi Yehudah and not the Rabanan with regard to the time of Tefilas Shacharis, we might have thought that the Halachah is like him also with regard to Minchah. Indeed, the conclusion of the Gemara is that we are in doubt whether we follow the majority opinion with regard to Minchah, or if the Halachah follows Rebbi Yehudah with regard to Minchah, since the Halachah follows his view with regard to Shacharis.
M. Kornfeld