More Discussions for this daf
1. Gezeras Merchatzaos 2. The Rashi of "v'Kodem Gezeirah" 3. The Machlokes Rebbi Yehudah and the Chachamim about Zman Minchah
4. Onah of a Nasi 5. Obligation of Maariv 6. Musaf and Minchah Corresponding to Korbanos
7. Zechus Avos 8. Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Yehoshua 9. The argument between Raban Gamliel and Rebbi Yehoshua
10. The incident between Rebbi Yehoshua and Raban Gamliel 11. Tefillat Ha'Minchah Ad Ha'Arev 12. wine
13. Early Minchah on Shabbos 14. Plag ha'Minchah 15. Tefilas Arvis Reshus
16. Tartei d'Sasrei

Jacob de Leeuwe asked:

Dear Honorable Rabbi,

I have difficulty of understanding the translation in English of the following rashi:

וקודם גזרה. עד שלא גזרו על הזיעה ובכל דוכתא דאמרינן כדאמר רבא להזיע כו' מהכא אמרינן

I cannot translate and understand the last six words: oewecol doechte etc: and everywhere else ....etc.. please can you translate and explain? (Nb see also shabbat 40b)

Jacob de Leeuwe, Holland, Leeuwarden (Friesland)

The Kollel replies:

Rashi means that in any place throughout the Talmud where Rava is quoted as saying that it was originally permitted to just sweat in the bathhouse on Shabbos without coming in contact with the water, such as in Beitzah (32a), the source of this statement was his answer to our question in this Gemara.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose