Why didn't the Mishnhah mention Zav and Zava she is a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom he can become a Zav Gadol in the same day she needs Mikveh to become Tahor he can can use Mayim Chayim?
Joe Reichman, Silver Spring MD USA
Tosfos (23b DH Mah) says that the Mishnah could also have said that a Zav can become a Zav Gadol on one day. Tosfos also lists other Halachos that the Mishnah could have mentioned. I presume that Tosfos means to say that the Tanna was Tanna v'Shi'er, in other words that the Mishnah does not want to say that this is a complete list rather that this is a partial list. The Gemara uses this answer in many places. This would also answer the other part of your question.
Dov Freedman