More Discussions for this daf
1. The Shevu'ah of Shenayim Ochzin 2. Picking up a Metzi'ah 3. Owning all of it
4. Sumchus or the Rabanan 5. Tosfos DH Yachloku 6. Questions in Rashi
7. Case of Mekach U'Memkar 8. Rashi According to Maskanas ha'Gemara 9. Shenayim Ochzin b'Talis
10. Insights to the Daf - Maharam Shif on Rashi 11. "It is all mine" 12. Claim of Ownership of Half of the Talis
13. Arguing over a lost object that was found 14. Causing a Shevu'as Shav in our Mishnah 15. Teaching that Re'iyah is not Koneh
16. Two versions 17. Comparing 3/4 Talis oath with devolved oath 18. Acquiring through seeing
19. Terms of Chazakah and ownership 20. בבא מציעא ב. תד"ה בראיה - הבטה בהפקר

Menachem Zaman asks:

Is the safeik that is generated by shnayim ochzin b'talis drara d'mamona?

In the case of shnayim ochzin, do we consider both parties as muchzakos?

In the case of drara d'mamona, are both parties considered muchzakos?

Menachem Zaman, United States

The Kollel replies:

Dear Menachem,

The Gemara (2b, 3 lines from the bottom) says that Shenayim Ochazin is not Derara d'Mamona.

Shenayim Ochazin is called Muchzak since he is holding the Talis.

In the case of the Derara d'Mamona of switching Parah b'Chamor, no one is Muchzak in the Vlad.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner