What does the Kollel say to the following Heoroh. On Daf Gimmel Omud Beys in the Sugya of Loy Sechayeh Kol Neshomo Rashi in that D.H. lists all the 7 Ammemim
a) surely from previous knowledge we know who they are? and
b) if I graader forgot who they were I will look them up myself?!
Efsher Letaretz : If you take the Tirchah to look up the Possuk in Parshas Shoftim you will find that only 6 are listed there and no mention at all of the Girgoshi and Rashi Al HaTorah is Meorer that the Loshon of Kaasher Tzivchoh in the Possuk there is Merumaz to the Girgoshi so Rashi has to inform you here that you should know that Hagam the Girgoshi is not listed in the Possuk in Parshas Shoftim so he tells you here Bebas Achas the full list of 7.Stam it is interesting to note that Bekol HaTorah Kulah the only time that the Shivas Ammemim are listed Bebas Achas is in the Parshah of Loy Sischaten in Parshas Voeschanan.
This is no Groyser Chidushim but an Heoroh Bealma on todays/yesterdays Daf depending on which time zone you are in
Kol Tuv,
Boruch Kahan
I like your Pshat a lot!! I would like to add on the following point.
Rashi Shemos 33:2 writes that the reason only 6 nations - that Hash-m will drive out of Eretz Yisrael - are mentioned there, is because Girgashi rose up and voluntarily left. Rashi's source is Midrash Rabah Vayikra 17:6 that Yehoshua sent letters to the inhabitants that whoever wanted to leave peacefully should do so, and Girgashi left of their own free will. (Perush Maharzav cites the Yerushalmi that Girgashi believed in Hakadosh Baruch Hu.) The Midrash says that as a reward for this, Girgashi was given a land which was just as beautiful as their own - Afriki. (It seems that this is not what we call Africa nowadays - see Radal and Etz Yosef that possibly this is Carthage).
This then is why Rashi Devarim 20:17 has to write that Ka'asher Tzivcha comes to include Girgashi. In other words, the practical Mitzvah to do the "Cherem" on the nations mentioned in that Pasuk did not actually apply to Girgashi because they had moved out, so therefore should not be destroyed. However, Ka'asher Tzivcha refers to the original commandment, i.e. before they moved, so the Mitzvah did apply to them.
I want to say the following. The reason Girgashi is mentioned in Devarim 7:1 is because it was one of the nations that were removed by Hash-m as promised by the Pasuk, but they just went voluntarily. In addition, the Isur to marry these nations - mentioned there in Pasuk 3 - also applies to Girgashi. This means that even according to the opinions that Lo Tischasen Bam only applies to the 7 nations, nevertheless Girgashi are one of these 7 even though they left voluntarily. So if a Yid would go to Afriki he would not be allowed to marry a Girgashi.
A Gutten Chodesh
Dovid Bloom
If the Girgashim had truly left Eretz Yisroel, then why are they omitted from all the pasukim in sh'mos but referenced in Dvarim? I know the Ramban gives pasuk-by-pasuk explanations for why in each particular verse in sh'mos they are omitted, but it seems that Dvarim 7:1 is the only time they are included for annihilation. Also, we see from Yehoshua 24:11 that bnei yisroel had fought with the girgashim!
Shira NY,NY
(1) I think in fact that the verse in Yehoshua 24:11 is actually a proof that the Girgashim, as a nation, left Eretz Yisrael voluntarily, and I will explain why.
If you look at Yehoshua 9:1 you will see that the other 6 nations fought against Yehoshua but Girgashi is not mentioned there. Similarly in 11:3 the other 6 are mentioned but Girgashi is not. Again, in 12:8, the 6 are numbered amongst those defeated by Yehoshua, but Girgashi is not. The only time Girgashi is mentioned is in 24:11. There the Pasuk is referring to the inhabitants of Jericho who fought Yehoshua. Rashi explains that since Yericho was a border city, it was a crucial military fortress for the entire Eretz Yisrael, so the choice warriors of all the 7 nations gathered together there to defend the country. The Girgashi warriors mentioned there had separated from the rest of their own nation to join the elite brigade defending Yericho. This all fits in very well with the Midrash that Rashi cites (that we mentioned last time) that the Girgashim as a nation left Eretz Yisrael of their own accord in response to Yehoshua's call, and this is why Girgashi is only mentioned in 24:11.
[The above explanation is given by Yefe To'ar on Midrash Rabah Vayikra 17:6 DH Girgashi.]
(2) I suggest that the reason Girgashi is omitted from Shemos 33:2 is because the Pasuk there lists the nations that Hash-m will drive out of Eretz Yisrael, so it would not be appropriate to mention Girgashi since they left of their own will. Similarly in Devarim 20:17 only 6 nations are mentioned to be destroyed because in practice the Torah knew that Girgashi would not be destroyed because they would leave peacefully.
In contrast the reason that Girgashi is mentioned in Devarim 7:1 is because there, in Pasuk 3, the Torah gives the prohibition to marry them. If Girgashi would not be mentioned specifically, one might have thought that it is permitted to marry a Girgashi, if they behaved peacefully towards us. However this is not true, because the reason given in Pasuk 4, "He will lead your son to stray from me," still applies.
D. Bloom