More Discussions for this daf
1. The statement of Rebbi Chanina mi'Sura 2. Zivugim 3. sotah
4. Second Marriage 5. Kinuy b'Zman ha'Zeh 6. Rashi DH Makneh Lah Al Pi Shenayim
7. One Ed by Sotah Vadai 8. What if Husband Dies? 9. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzach amar Resh Lokish
10. Kinui Without Eidim 11. Laws of Sotah 12. Zivug Rishon and Zivug Sheni
13. Finding the right one 14. Sotah 15. Zivug Rishon and Sheni
16. Different factors for a Sotah 17. V'Ed Ein Bah 18. 7 Nations
19. נאמנות הבעל לטומאה

Avraham Glieberman asked:

Shalom and Shavua Tov. It seems from learning Rashi that he interperets the gemarra as follows: Zivug Rishon is according to Mazal; however if one's deeds are more meritorious then he will get a better zivug (his zivug sheni), additionally if his deeds are inferior he will also get a worse zivug (his zivug sheni). Is this the right way to interperet what Rashi is saying? If it is not, is this also one explanation of this daf?

All the best,

Avraham Glieberman, Jerusalem, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Yes you have learned the correct Pshat in Rashi.

(Incidentally, it is interesting to note that RASHI, DH MEZAVGIN, writes that a better Zivug means that the wife is "Tzanu'ah" (modest) and a worse Zivug means that she is the opposite ("Perutzah"). See also below (17a) where the Gemara states that if the husband and wife merit, the Shechinah will dwell amongst them. RASHI, DH ZOCHU, writes that if they merit going in the upright way - that neither of them commit adultery - they will merit the Shechinah. Merely by keeping to simple moral values, every Jewish couple can merit the lofty level of having the Shechinah rest between them.)

Kol Tuv

D Bloom