In the end of Pesachim (121) we learned how "Shfichas Dam" is not necessarily in the same family as "Zrikas Dam" as far as being yotzei the bracha for slaughtering a "zrika" korban when you recited the bracha for a "shficha" korban.
On today's daf we mentioned a korban chatas, which has a "matanas dam". My question is: Is a matanas dam the same thing as a zerikas hadam? For example if you throw the blood of a chatas instead of dabbing it are you yotzei?
There is a lot of discussion in the Mefarshum on this issue but see Chidushei Chatam Sofer Masechet Shabbat 71b who writes that if the blood of the chatas is put on the Mizbeach without the finger the korban is kosher bedieved
[see Mishmar HaLeviim, by Rav Moshe Mordecai Shulzinger zt'l, chapter 4 (which is about changing the korban from putting the blood on with a kli to putting on with his finger, or vice versa) page 5 DH Aval. Mishmar HaLeviim also cites Chazon Ish and Chazon Yechezkel on this question]
Dovid Bloom