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1. Insights to the Daf: Yoma 16-20 2. Hatavas ha'Neros 3. Matanas Dam Clarification
4. Dam on the Southeat Corner of Mizbe'ach 5. רש"י ד"ה הזה ממנו כנגד עוביה של כפרות

Simon levy asks:

The general discusses, based on 33but, the requirement to split the preparation of the nerot into 2, the first 5 followed by an avoda, and then the remaining 2. I know that the gemara has a limmud on 33b to explain this but what reasons are given for why the Torah would want this to happen?

Simon levy, Israel

The Kollel replies:

The reason stated by Reish Lakish (33b) is in order to publicize the lighting of the Menorah (see Mikdash Dovid 32:5). This can also be the reason the Torah says to do so according to Rebbi Yochanan. (See also Tosfos ha'Rosh on 33b.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose