why don't we say hallel on purim?
joel kalkopf, australia
I'm not sure what you are asking, so I will list the Gemara's three answers to your question:
1. Because Hallel is not said over a miracle that takes place in Chutz la'Aretz (R. Yitzchak).
2. We do say Hallel, in the form of the Megilah (Rav Nachman).
3. We cannot recite Hallel on the miracle of Purim, since it commemorates our victory over Achashverosh, who tried to kill us. But we are still subservient to Achashverosh and the likes of him, who continue to take Jewish lives (unlike Paroh, whose clutches we escaped forever, since we would never again become slaves to any other nation (Rava).
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler