More Discussions for this daf
1. Reward for Mitzvos in this world, principle for the World to Come 2. Moving Muktzeh 3. Why is the list in the Talmud different than our Siddur
4. Eilu Devarim 5. גדול הכנסת אורחים

Yehud Wiesen asked:

Dear Rabbi Kornfeld and Colleagues,

At the bottom of daf 127A we read 6 precepts for which we enjoy fruits both in this world and world to come. But the list that appears in birchat ha-shachar is not identical to this list.

Why does the list in the Siddur not agree more closely with the Talmud?

Thank you for all your work and replies to reader questions!

Shabbat Shalom,


The Kollel replies:

Yehud. Here is what the Kollel responded to a similar question asked during the last Daf Yomi cycle:


Good question. We list ten Mitzvos in the paragraph we say after Birkos ha'Torah every morning. If we include and combine the Mitzvos mentioned in the statement of Rebbi Yochanan (Hachnasas Orchim, Bikur Cholim, Iyun Tefilah, Hashkamas Beis ha'Midrash) with those mentioned in the Mishnah in Pe'ah as cited by our Gemara (Kibud Av v'Em, Gemilus Chasadim, Hava'as Shalom Bein Adam la'Chaveiro, and Talmud Torah), we come out with only eight; two are missing -- Hachnasas Kalah and Halvayas ha'Mes (in the version that appears in the Rambam's record of Tefilah and the Sefardic Sidurim, Hachnasas Kalah, Halvayas ha'Mes, and Iyun Tefilah are omitted ; for this reason the MAHARSHAL (Teshuvos) writes that Hachnasas Kalah and Halvayas ha'Mes should indeed be deleted.)

As for the actual source for our version, the Likutei Maharich discusses this at length. He points that Hachnasas Kalah and Halvayas ha'Mes are subcategories of Gemilus Chasadim which are often associated with Gemilas Chasadim in the Midrash (see Makos 24a, and the Midrash cited by Rashi in Bereishis 47:29), therefore we specify them in our Tefilah version of the Beraisa as well. (Likutei Maharich also discusses other minor differences between the list in our Sidurim and in the Gemara, such as mention of 'Bein Ish l'Ishto.')

Be well, and please excuse the delay in our response,
