The Artscroll Gemara translates the word "Eli" as a pestle. A pestle is used to grind garlic in a Meducha. How can one chop meat ON a pestle? This is what Artscroll says. So what is "ELI"?
chazan michael plaskow, Netanya, Israel
It seems to me that the editors of Artscroll meant to translate Eli as mortar, and confused it with pestle.
The Bartenura in Beitzah however, defines 'Eli' as a large round board on which one chops wheat (Rashi here adds that it is also used for peeling wood and tanning skins). So I'm not sure whether even mortar is the correct translation.
May you and yours' merit to be inscribed in the Book of Life.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.
See Tiferes Yisroel in Beitzah. LAN"D they are all saying the same thing. It is a huge pestle made out of wood (which can be used as a butcher block), which is used for crushing (not on it but with it). LAN"D Rashi is saying that it is used to chop up wood peelings for use in tanning.
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Kol Tuv,
Yitzchok Zirkind