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1. Dealth Penalty plus monetary 2. Rav Kahana's penalty 3. חזא דפרטיה שפוותיה

Barry Epstein asked:

R' Avin- committing a capital offense and a monetary offense at the same time exempts one from the monetary payment.

R' Yirmiyah- If monetary liability occurs at the beginning of an extended act that results in the death penalty, he is liable for both.

Gemara:in the end, they hold like R'Yirmiyah.

But I am told the halachah is like R' Avin.

How is this? What value is there in the phrase "in the end, they hold like?"

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

When the Gemara said "and in the end, they they hold like Rebbi Yirmiyah" it is not deciding the Halachah, but rather determining the Halachic viewpoint of a teaching quoted by the father of Rebbi Avin.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose