R' Avin- committing a capital offense and a monetary offense at the same time exempts one from the monetary payment.
R' Yirmiyah- If monetary liability occurs at the beginning of an extended act that results in the death penalty, he is liable for both.
Gemara:in the end, they hold like R'Yirmiyah.
But I am told the halachah is like R' Avin.
How is this? What value is there in the phrase "in the end, they hold like?"
Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA
When the Gemara said "and in the end, they they hold like Rebbi Yirmiyah" it is not deciding the Halachah, but rather determining the Halachic viewpoint of a teaching quoted by the father of Rebbi Avin.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose