The Gemarah (109b) states than a Kohen has the right to perform the offering of his own Korban at any time, even when another Mishmar is in service, and retain for himself the hide and flesh of his Korban.
The Gemarah in Kidushin 53a (quoted by Rashi here (110b) D"H Ein Cholkin), derives from verses, that Kohanim are not permitted to barter the portions allocated to them as part of a distribution to the Mishmar or Beth Av.
The question:
Is the prohibition to barter limited to portions received as part of a Mishmar/Beth Av distribution, as the verses seem to indicate.
Or does the prohibition also apply to portions retained by the Kohanim from their own Korbanoth, since M'Shulchan Gavoah Ko'Zochu.
Mordechai Schwimmer
Mordechai Schwimmer, Brooklyn, USA
There is no prohibition for the Kohen to barter once he has received his portion. The Halachah is that each Korban must be distributed between all members of the Beis Av and that there cannot be a trade-off in the distribution.
D. Zupnik