How was it known that the plates needed repair? Did the Kohen Gadol take a few minutes each Yom Kippur to inspect the room? It seems odd that he would take his mind off the avoda, unless we say that the inspection is an avoda in itself? Is this brought anywhere? thanks.
Eliyahu Hurvitz, Oak Park, Michigan, USA
The Rambam (Hilchos Beis ha'Bechirah 7:23) codifies the Tosefta in Keilim which is partially quoted in our Gemara. The Tosefta says that once every seven years people were sent to the level above the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim, and they would examine the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim to check that everything was as it should be (the rest of our Beraisa discusses who was sent, and is also brought by the Rambam).
As Rashi explains in our Gemara (DH "Ach Chalak"), the word "Ach" -- "However" tells us that there are exceptions to the rule that one is not allowed to go into the Kodesh ha'Kodoshim. This is the exception reffered to in the Pasuk.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose
Very good! I believe the Gemara and Tosefta are referring to those very Riku'ei Pachim which were renewed every few years.
M. Kornfeld