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1. K'Almana 2. Kol ha'Meitzar l'Yisrael Na'aseh Rosh
1. Ben Greene asks:

I was wondering, besides for the fact that Hakodosh Baruch Hu makes those who oppress the yidden the "Rosh", but when the Pesukim seem to indicate that they "don't become tired"...

(And besides for the Tosfos in Chagigah DH She'Lo Yomru and seeing that they were already the "Rosh" before the Tz'ar they caused)

My question is, as is stated by the Maharsha on the Daf DH Kol ha'Meitzar that the reason the Resha'im are Matzliach is as a result of the Chata'os of Klal Yisrael, so while I know that Hakodosh Baruch Hu chooses evil people to perform evil deeds, perhaps they won't always be successful, but when a Rasha does evil to the yidden, and then Hakodosh Baruch Hu provides these "supernatural" like abilities, like not becoming tired in order to be successful, how does that effect the Onesh of that Rasha.

I.e. Maybe Chas v'Shalom a Rasha wants to hurt 10 Jews and has the "natural Yecholos" to do that but because of the Chata'os of Klal Yisrael he hurts 15; is he held accountable for those extra five?

Ben Greene, Oak Park Mi

2. The Kollel replies:

It seems to me that he is held responsible for the extra five, because even though he was given supernatural abiltiies, he still had free will and did not have to use those supernatural abilites to do bad things. That means that the Rasha did want to hurt the extra five.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom