I don't understand why the Gemara would use the term "Almana" here (and in Taanis 20a), the word Aguna would seem much better. Even Grusha would work, but Almana means dead, how can R' Yehuda say dead and then come back?
Ronen, Staten Island, NY
Rebbi Yehuda is teaching us what the word "k'Almanah" refers to in the first Pasuk in Eichah, and why it doesn't just say "Almanah." He explains that the reason is that the Pasuk is expressing a likeness to an Almanah, though there is also a dissimilarity to an Almanah.
We can understand the usage of the word Almanah over the word Agunah based on the Maharsha on this Gemara, who says that when nations fall, their Mazal falls first, making them isolated and given over for destruction. They are literally first made into an Almanah from their Mazal. However, even when tragedy strikes Bnei Yisrael, Hash-m is in charge of them and He is never destroyed (C"V). They are therefore not actually made into an Almanah, but are "k'Almanah." To express this point, the words Gerushah and Agunah are not used, as they would not be applicable to other nations when tragedy strikes.
May we merit to see a true Nechamah for Klal Yisrael,
Yaakov Montrose