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Mark Bergman asked:

The Mishna/Gemoro on daf 103 discusses a Nigzal who moved away, whether the Gazlan must follow him to return the Gezela.

Our Magid Shiur, Rabbi Simcha Bamberger raised the question: What happens if the Gazlan moved away and later wants to return - since it

is his own fault that it is difficult to return the item, maybe there is no Takanas Hashavim here?

Have you seen anything on this?

The Kollel replies:

Aruch haShulchan (CM 367:1) writes that if the Gazlan moves away he must return the object, based on Shach (CM 386:8). However, the Nesivos ha'Mishpat (CM 232:10) writes that he need not.

D. Zupnik