we know that posion at least from a snake is called fire, maybe we should invoke lethal injection after all (the US supreme court Lahavdel) many have the opinion that that is the a misa yaffa not cruel and unusual punishment. Hot lead still seems to be more of damaging factor to ones physical body. Hot lead does not enter the nostrils and leave the body totaly undamaged. An injection I would argue more closely resembles the "fire" that AAron's sons died of as aresult of their chait. Does anybody discuss this interesting issue?
sholom dubin, Brooklyn NY USA
Whilst we find that snake poison burns (Bamidbar 21:6) we never find the poison described as fire. Burning of Misas Beis Din must be burning by fire as is explained in the Gemara Pesachim 75a, that we need Sereifa ha'Ba'ah Min ha'Eish, because the Posuk stipulates ba'Eish ti'Sareif.
Dov Freedman
Snakebite is a heavenly substitute for someone who incurred Sreifah and the punishment cannot be carried out. (Kesubos 30a-b, with Tosfos ad loc.).
be'Kavod u'Bracha
Mordechai Schwimmer