More Discussions for this daf
1. Roasting the meat of the Korban Pesach 2. "Eish" and "Gachalei" 3. Issur of Kdei Klipa or Kdei Netila for Korban Pesach
4. Burning Bas Kohen for adultery 5. Review Questions 6. Rav Papa's Definition Of Ervah
7. צלי אש

shmaya Ormonde asked:

In the mishna at the bottom of 75b we find the case of the korban pesach touching the oven of a kli cheres. The mishna teaches that the meat is ossur kdei klipa. According to the opinion that tzli is ossur kdei netila see tos 96b-chullin and shulchan aruch 105:4 how do we reconcile this. The shulchan aruch teaches that even dry lean foods are ossur kdei netila not kdei klipa. Please explain

shmaya Ormonde, london

The Kollel replies:


The Shulchan Aruch is ruling according to the Halachah, which is Tata'ah Govar. If the lower one was hot, then the top meat does indeed become Asur K'dei Netilah in the case of Tzli. If however the bottom one was cold then the din of the mishnah is correct, it only becomes Asur K'dei K'lipa.

Yehuda Landy