My question is,
1. I generally look over the review questions and answers the day after a learn
a piece of gemoro, just to make sure we learned correctly and to chazor.
In Pesachim Daf 75b on the bottom just before the Mishna, your review question #8c
- why do we need the word "Gachalei" in the posuk "Gachalei Aish", is not answered in
the answer section.
2. Basically, I didn't think I understood the Gemoro's answer according to Rava, i.e.
is there still a question on Rebbi's shita that Gecholim are Aish?
Thank you
Moshe Golden, Providence, RI USA
1. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. We corrected the Review Answers to 75b to read the following (taking out (c) and combining it with (b)):
(a) We would not require "Gachalei" to teach us that the Kohen Gadol should not rub oil on to a vessel and light it - because one would not do this to honor a human king, let alone the King of Kings!
(b) We would have explained "Eish" to mean that he must take half a coal and half a flame from the Mizbei'ach, so that by the time he reached the Kodesh Kodshim, it would have turned into a coal. Therefore the Torah writes " ve'Lakach Me'lo ha'Machtah Gachalei Esh me'Al ha'Mizbei'ach" - to teach us that it must be entirely coal (and not half flame) from the moment he takes it from the Mizbei'ach.
2. The conclusion of the Gemara is that "Eish" could mean "Gacheles," but if the Pasuk would have only written "Eish," we would have thought that the Kohen may remove them from the Mizbe'ach when they are still aflame. Therefore, the Pasuk says "Gachalei..." to teach that they must be coals already at the time they are taken off the Mizbe'ach.
Dov Zupnik