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1. Keren k'Ein she'Ganav 2. Outlines clarification 3. Kinyanei Geneiva
4. To'ein Ta'anas Ganav 5. Rebbi Ila'ei 6. שינוי קונה

Hillel Judasin <> asks:

We are studying Bava Kama 65

You wrote in the Point by Point outlines:


a) Support ((for Rav) R. Chanina - Beraisa): A watchman claimed that the deposit was stolen; he swore

falsely, admitted that he lied, and witnesses testified that the watchman himself took it:

1. If he admitted before witnesses came, he pays principle, an added fifth (quarter of the principle),

and brings an Asham;

2. R. Yakov says, if he admitted after witnesses came, he pays double and brings an Asham; the extra payment (of the double payment) counts as the added fifth.

3. Chachamim say, "In its principle and its fifth" - one only adds a fifth when paying principle (not when

paying double).

4. R. Shimon bar Yochai says, the fifth and Asham only apply when a double payment is made.

According to the way my Chavrusah and I read the Gemara, and the way Artscroll translated it, point 4 should be restated: when a double payment is NOT made. Is there something we are missi?ng?

Please advise.


Hillel Judasin

The Kollel replies:

Your are correct, the outline should be corrected. On Bava Kama top of 65b, instead of:

4. R. Shimon bar Yochai says, the fifth and Asham only apply when a double

payment is made.

it shoud say:

4. R. Shimon bar Yochai says, the fifth and Asham do not apply when a

double payment is made.

Thank you!

Pesach Feldman