Hi, I need you to clarify below from 63a: I don't get this clearly.
h) Answer: One might have thought, R. Akiva only obligates for Megadef by which it explicitly says Kares, but not for accepting idolatry;
David Kastor, Baltimore, USA
I apologize. What was written was not clear. We will fix the archives to say
(g) Objection: This is obvious. R. Akiva (Kerisus 7b) holds that Megadef (refers to blasphemy, and he) brings a Korban even though he did no action!
(h) Answer: One might have thought that R. Akiva obligates only for Megadef, regarding which the Torah wrote Kares (in the Parshah of Korban), but not for accepting idolatry;
1. Rav Nachman teaches, this is not so, for the Torah equates them (accepting idolatry and serving through an action) - "va'Yishtachavu Lo va'Yizbechu Lo (va'Yomru Eleh Elohecha Yisrael)".
Pesach Feldman