More Discussions for this daf
1. The young idolator 2. Kares, etc 3. Mavetel Yetzer Hara
4. Achaz and Molech 5. Mentioning the Name of An Obsolete Idol 6. Achaz and Molech
1. David Kastor asked:

Hi, I need you to clarify below from 63a: I don't get this clearly.

h) Answer: One might have thought, R. Akiva only obligates for Megadef by which it explicitly says Kares, but not for accepting idolatry;

David Kastor, Baltimore, USA

2. The Kollel replies:

I apologize. What was written was not clear. We will fix the archives to say

(g) Objection: This is obvious. R. Akiva (Kerisus 7b) holds that Megadef (refers to blasphemy, and he) brings a Korban even though he did no action!

(h) Answer: One might have thought that R. Akiva obligates only for Megadef, regarding which the Torah wrote Kares (in the Parshah of Korban), but not for accepting idolatry;

1. Rav Nachman teaches, this is not so, for the Torah equates them (accepting idolatry and serving through an action) - "va'Yishtachavu Lo va'Yizbechu Lo (va'Yomru Eleh Elohecha Yisrael)".

Pesach Feldman