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1. Tragedies of Sandal ha'Mesumar 2. Sandal ha'Mesumar 3. The Gezeirah of Sandal ha'Mesumar
4. sandal hamesumar 5. Sandal Ha'Mesumar 6. רש"י ד"ה טהורה
7. נשרו רוב ממסמרותיו

yh asked:

one can still find 'hobnailed boots' and other similar shoes in our times [very old army boots, soccer kleats with metal spikes, mountain climbing boots with spikes] -would one be allowed to wear these bazman hazeh ? did the gzeirah persist and can we apply it to different kinds of shoes with 'nails' or spikes protruding or only their specific shoes ? Thank you.

yh, ny

Rabbi Feinhandler replies:

Dear YH,

Although the Rambam (Hilchos Shabbos 19:2) did bring this Halachah, the Hagahos

Maimoniyos (ibid) says that Sandal Mesumars are allowed as they are not common. The same

would apply to the shoes you mentioned; they may be worn on Shabbos.

Rabbi Yisroel Pesach Feinhandler

Rabbi of Avney Yashpe Synagogue

author of Beloved Companions, Beloved Children,

Priority In Prayer & Avney Yashpe

Marriage & Educational Counselor


Fax: 972-2-537-2658