On the daf yommi of yesterday I learned that the Chachamim did not sleep in Simchat Beit Hashoevah, because they had to go to the Korban Tamid, then Tefilat Shacharit, then Korban Musaf, then tefilat Musaf. I learned from this two things:
1. The Tefilot are not instead of the Korban. So Tefilat Mussaf that we have today is not instead of the Korban Musaf, because they had Tefilat Musaf even when the beit Hamikdash was there.
2. What about Tefilat Arvit? Why the Gemara in this daf does not mention Arvit? Didnt they daven Arvit? and what about the Kriat Shema?
Aaron Gal, NJ, USA
(1) True. The Tefilos were not instead of the Korbanos, but Keneged (corresponding to) the Korbanos (Berachos 26b). See Tashbetz (2:161) who proves this point from our Gemara. He also points out that the Rambam holds Tefilah is Min ha'Torah, so it is reasonable to assume that it was obligatory even in the time of the Mikdash.
(2) Rebbi Yehoshua is explaining to us how the events of the day left no time for sleep. In the night, when they were busy with the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'eivah, it is obvious that there was no time for sleep, so it was not necessary for Rebbi Yehoshua to mention any other activities that may have taken place at night.
Alternatively, it is possible that since Rebbi Yehoshua is of the opinion that Tefilas Arvis is a Reshus (Berachos 27b) he held it was not necessary to Daven Ma'ariv. If this is the Pshat, we would say that Kri'as Shema is not mentioned because each person said it by himself whenever it was opportune.
Dov Freedman
According to Tosfos (DH veha'Amar, Yoma 87b and elsewhere), you probably mean that missing Ma'ariv because of the Simchas Beis ha'Sho'eva is not considered missing Ma'ariv "Chinam", for no good reason. Otherwise, even though Ma'ariv is a Reshus, it is not permitted to miss it.
Kol Tuv,
Yitzchok Zirkind