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1. Na'arah Giyores 2. Arayos of a Ger 3. תוד"ה אימר
4. נערה מלא דיבר הכתוב

Julian Hurwitz asked:


regarding the mishnah I was interested to learn whether a giyoret could be in yichud with or marry her father,brother etc.please furnish sources.

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Yevamos 22a writes that mid'Oraisa a Ger is permitted to all of his relatives, but mid'Rabanan he is not permitted to marry them, so that he should not say that he came to a lesser Kedushah through conversion (and is permitted to relative to which he had previously been prohibited).

As for Yichud,the Heter to be Meyached with a father or mother does not stem from the Isur but rather from the natural aversion to incest. Therefore, Igros Moshe (EH 4:64) allows Yichud with a father. However he is discussing a situation where the father had also converted; where he is non-Jewish it is likely that it is Asur.

Dov Zupnik

Yitzchok Zirkind comments:

Of course there is difference between Sh'air Ha'eim, and Sh'air Ha'av, YD 269, and see MaHARShA Yuma 28b that that is why Yaakov was allowed to marry two sisters.

>> As for Yichud,the Heter to be Meyached with a father or mother does not stem from the Isur but rather from the natural aversion to incest....<<

See also Ramban on Unchayeh Movinu Zora (Breishis 19:32)