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1. Noy Sukah and Esrog of Shevi'is 2. Rashi DH Mischalelin 3. Being Mafkia Kedushah
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Aryeh Goldman asks:

Thanks so much for this amazing amazing service!

My question is as follows: the gemara seems to say on the bottom of 40a that everyone agrees (at least in this beraysa) in the case of Nekeivos, we are Mafkia the kedusha of that the Jew placed on the animal because Gezeirah Shema Yegadel ba'Hem Adarim. But how could Chazal be Mafkia that kedusha (making it either not Chilufei Shevi'is or Chilufei Ma'aser Sheni)? Is there precedent for that?

Aryeh Goldman, Queens, USA

The Kollel replies:

Aryeh, thank you for your kind comments!

The Gemara means that in the first place one should not transfer the holiness of Shevi'is or Ma'aser on to animals, because we do not want to have herds of animals with such a holiness. However, if someone did not follow the Gezeirah of Chazal and did transfer the Kedushah, Chazal were not Mafki'a the Kedushah and the animal remains holy.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom