>>(d) Answer: One might have thought that it is a Gezeras ha'Kasuv to remove the Kaf and Machtah after finishing Avodas Panim, and then return inside, remove the linen garments and leave them there, and return outside to offer his ram, the Tzibur's ram, Musafim and the afternoon Tamid.<<
Is this correct? Is tosfos seriously considering that there would be a hava amina for the kohen gadol to enter the kodesh kodashim in his linen garments, and then take them off there? and then leave them in the the kodesh kodashim?
There seems to be numerous obvious problems with that hava amina.
Do you have any insights?
Thank you for this question. Although the Lashon of the Tosfos is a bit difficult, it is obvious, especially because of your question, that the simple meaning of the word "Lifnim" in this case is not to enter the Kodesh ha'Kodashim, but an interior place where one can take off clothes and don other clothes, such as the Beis ha'Parvah. This interpretation in Toafos does not affect the main idea he is trying to say, because even in this way we save one Tevilah.
Best Regards,
Aharon Steiner