More Discussions for this daf
1. Redeem a first born; remove seven heads 2. letters of the Torah 3. A few questions
4. Serving one's parents 5. Letters, words, and verses in the Torah 6. Talmud Bavli and learning Tanach
7. The Middle of Tehilim 8. Pidyon Ha'Ben 9. Zevulun ben Dan
10. 600,000 Letters in the Torah 11. מאי כל מצות האב על הבן אילימא כל מצותא דמיחייב אבא למיעבד לבריה נשים חייבות 12. Letra Central da Torah - Central Letter of Torah
13. Shmuel regarding Chinuch 14. Obligation to teach child to swim 15. Number of verses in the Torah
16. Kol Mizwot ha'Av Al ha'Ben - Shuv? 17. Lefichach 18. Insights Source
19. Vav of Gachon 20. Vav of Gachon 21. כל מצוות האב על הבן
22. לפיכך

Bob Dale asks:

Why were the Rabbis so interested in finding out how many letters, words, and verses are in a Sefer Torah? The same question applies to their further questions about how many were in Tehillim and in Chronicles.

Bob Dale, Canada

The Kollel replies:

It seems from the commentaries that the most basic answer to your question is that the Gemara relates these details not to express how interested the Chachamim were in counting the letters, etc., but rather to relate how thorough they were in their learning. They were so well-acquainted with the Torah that they knew even the counts of the letters, words, and verses. It showed their complete mastery of Tanach, and their intimate connection with it.

Another aspect of this incredible knowledge is the many Gematriyos and acronyms that result (some of which are cited by the Maharsha and other commentaries here), with which the Chachamim presumably were thoroughly conversant.

Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler