Rav Moshe Leader made a diuk that Rashi says "achar kach." This implies that when the gever moves the vessel b'meizid, and AFTERWARDS the shards broke and he hurts himself on those shards, will the bal hakad be patur.
The question is what would be the din if WHILE removing the kad, the gever hurts himself. It seems that it would not even be a grama because the bal hakad did not force him to move the kad. He chose to move it.
So the question is thusly: if you hurt yourself WHILE moving someone's bor, is that even a grama?
If NOT, Would the bal habor still be chayav if you hurt yourself?
Thank you soooooooo much Rav Bloom!
Menachem Zaman, Jerusalem, Israel
I think we could apply here the words of Rashi, "d'Ihu Hu d'Azik a'Nafshei" -- "He damaged himself."
So if somebody hurts himself while moving a barrel, this is less than a Grama, because he forced the barrel to hurt himself and therefore the Bal ha'Bor is exempt.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom