More Discussions for this daf
1. Laws of Yerushalayim 2. Kedushah of a Shul 3. Wrapping a Mes Mitzvah with a Sefer Torah
4. Removing Kedushah from a Shul 5. Contradiction in Rashi 6. Permissibility of transferring ownership of a Shul
7. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh 8. The number of Aliyos on a Ta'anis 9. Tashmishim
10. Tefilin straps 11. Tashmishei Kedushah/Mitzvah 12. The division of Yerushalayim
13. Binyamin 14. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh

Davide Sivero asked:

Dear Rabbanim,

I apologise if I am troubling you with this message, but I would need to know whether -according to all the minhagim- it is permitted to take a tashmish detashmish qedushah into a toilet and in what cases the laws of tashmishim detashmish? qedushah (ex. bags used and intended only to contain tefillin bags) are stricter than those of tashmish? mitzvah (ex. tallitot) (I have been told by a Rav that the rules of tashmishim detashmish? qedushah are stricter than those of tashmish? mitzvah, but he could not tell me in what cases...)

Hoping that you can help me I thank you with all my heart.

Shalom uverakhah,

Davide Sivero, Genoa, Italy

P.S.: I understand Spanish and French.

The Kollel replies:

I apologize for the long delay in answering your question.

The Gemara Megila 26b, where these laws are discussed, does not explicitly equate Tashmish d'Tashmish Kedushah with Tashmish Mitzvah, but it does say that it is permitted. Presumably, this means permitted to use for non-Kodesh purposes. Rav Yehuda Assad in a Teshuva discussing Tashmishei Kedushah, says that Tashmish d'Tashmish Kedushah has no Kedushah whatsoever, indicating that it is no better than Tashmish Mitvah.

In short, I was not able to find any distinction between the two.

Kol Tuv,

Yonasan Sigler