More Discussions for this daf
1. Laws of Yerushalayim 2. Kedushah of a Shul 3. Wrapping a Mes Mitzvah with a Sefer Torah
4. Removing Kedushah from a Shul 5. Contradiction in Rashi 6. Permissibility of transferring ownership of a Shul
7. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh 8. The number of Aliyos on a Ta'anis 9. Tashmishim
10. Tefilin straps 11. Tashmishei Kedushah/Mitzvah 12. The division of Yerushalayim
13. Binyamin 14. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh

HG Schild asked:

where do the accessories in the Beis HaMikdash fit in? The multiple covering for the kelim of the mishkan? Were they considered the same or not? or all kadosh?

HG Schild, ny ny

The Kollel replies:

Something that serves something that has Kedushah, such as a Sefer Torah is considered Tashmishei Kedushah. However, something that serves something that has no Kedushah, even if the thing it serves is used for a Mitzvah, has no Kedushah. The Kelim (like the Shulchan and the Menorah) may be considered Tashmishei Mitzvah, as they serve something which is for a Mitzvah. If we say that they are considered Tashmishei Kedushah, because the things they serve have Kedushah in that they are Kodshim then we could in fact say that since they themselves also have Kedushah, even those things that serve them, such as the coverings used in the desert, are considered Tashmishei Kedushah. However, it is questionable whether the fact that they are Hekdesh or Kodshim is enough for them to be considered like a Sefer Torah. Perhaps only a Sefer Torah that has Kedushah in its own right is considered Kadosh as far as this Din applies.

Dov Freedman