Shalom. I'm learning the sugya of shluchei mitzva now, in sukkah. I remember that in Megilla (3a-b), there is a story of Yehoshua, where the malach tells him he should have had the people learn Torah and bring the afternoon Tamid, despite being at war, because at night time, war isn't waged.
Rashi here in sukkah tells us that the shluchei mitzva are patur from other mitzvoa (in this case, sukkah), even "bsh'a'as chanayasan," when they are encamped. Seemingly, by Yehoshua, the people were in the middle of an active battle, just encamped, so shouldn't they be patur? It would seem no different than people not being chayiv in sukkah.
Danny Louis, Bet Shemesh, Israel
Shalom Rav,
Answer #1: Even Sheluchei Mitzvah should sit in a Sukah if one is available without interfering with the other Mitzvah being undertaken.
Answer #2: Even someone who is Patur from Sukah (such as a sick person) is Chayav to study Torah. In fact, a man who is not an Ones is never Patur from Talmud Torah; see Rambam, Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:8.
Wishing you and yours a Kesivah v'Chasimah Tovah,
Eliezer Chrysler