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1. Kal V'Chomers and Avos 2. Dayo 3. Rabanan or Rebbi Tarfon or Both?
4. Dayo 5. טומאת מגע

Avraham Katz asks:

In Daf 25a, how do the Chachamim derive that Dayyo applies to every Kal VaChomer and not just this one in respect to Moshe Rabbeinu?

Avraham Katz, New York City, United States of America

The Kollel replies:

The Maharikash (cited by the Hebrew Artscroll edition, 25a, footnote 18) explains that according to the Chachamim there is no Havah Amina of less days because of Moshe, since because of Hash-m's honor there should be more days!

All the best,

Reuven Weiner