More Discussions for this daf
1. Yi'ush of coins 2. Finding a coin 3. Is a Siman always necessary?
4. Gemara tries to bring proofs to Rava 5. Ye'ush she'Lo mi'Da'as 6. Lost Objects
7. A Lost Object Without A Siman 8. Yiush she'Lo mi'Da'as 9. Kikaros Shel Ba'al ha'Bayis
10. Scattered fruits belong to the finder 11. Ye'ush She'Lo mi'Da'as 12. Two types of Ganav
13. Two proofs for Rava 14. RASHI ON THE MISHNAH 15. Scattered Fruit and Coins
16. Duchta d'Inish Inish Hu. 17. Siman is found on an object 18. אדם עשוי למשמש בכיסו בכל שעה

Akyva asked:

The Gemara brings proofs for Rava and it brings the scattered coins proof as well as the proof of the Beis Medrash where the 'Rabbim' are found. The answers to both of these proofs is that a person will often check his pockets and therefore he has made 'Yeeoosh' and will know what he has lost. Are these proofs not very similar? What is the purpose of bringing two seemningly identical proofs? Does Rashi or Tosafot answer this question?

Akyva, Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

The second Tosfos on the page discusses this question.

D. Zupnik