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10. Tiflus

Daniel Fishman asked:

The Gemara on comes out that the reason a dying sotah must be rushed out of the azara os because according to abaya shema tifros Nidda.-Lest because of her fright from dying by the mei marim she will begin to menstruate.And the Gemara asked the mishna in Nidda 39a states that fear suspends the discharge of blood? The Gemara answers Pachda Tzamit, Bietuta Marpia. Pachda tzamit is case in Nidda where the fear is not sudden because she is hiding from enemies or besiegers lest they come and kill her but our case of sota is beituta marpia where there is sudden fright as rashi explains that she suddenly feels tzar and compares it to case of Queen esther who heard the shmua about mordechai.

But i dont understand why the case of sota is sudden fright since the sota new she will get hurt or die there is no suprise that should be compared to the case of the besiegers or enemies who are besieging to kill her.But esther had know idea about mordechais sackcloth but the news only came suddenly thats why she discharged blood?

Daniel Fishman, Lawrence New York

The Kollel replies:

The Sotah presumably does not believe that the water will affect her, otherwise she would admit her guilt and avoid drinking.

Alternatively, perhaps she underestimates the severity of the pain.

Dov Freedman