More Discussions for this daf
1. Partial Melachah 2. Alexa 3. Chulin prepared at higher levels of holiness
4. Lifnei Iver on a d'Rabanan 5. Eating "Al Taharas ha'Kodesh" all Year Round 6. וכל תשמור אזהרת לא תעשה

Barry Epstein asked:

What is the difference between

1) Chullin prepared on the taharah of terumah, and

2) Chullin prepared on the taharah of kodesh.

Are there any books in English which do a great job of explaining all the Biblical and Rabbinic laws of tumah?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

The Kollel replies:

The former is kept from anything that is a "Sheni", but is not kept from touching objects that are "Shelishi" (or Tevul Yom, meaning a person who was a Rishon, went to the Mikvah, but did not yet wait until sundown). The latter are kept away even from objects that are "Shelishi" (or Tevul Yom).

We have some nice charts on this, if you would like, and some Background to the Daf on this. I'll attach some of them.

Best wishes,
